Recenzii Restaurante Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake Bucuresti Restaurant bucatarie Internationala

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Restaurante judet Bucuresti Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake bucatarie Internationala Bucuresti Restaurant

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Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake

Lista detalii Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake in orasul Bucuresti - IF, Restaurant cu bucatarie Internationala adresa Soseaua Nordului 7-9, Bucuresti
Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake

Detalii Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake Detalii si info rezervari Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake

Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake

Tip Local:
Bucuresti - Restaurante in Bucuresti
Adresa (Vezi Harta)
Soseaua Nordului 7-9, Bucuresti ( judet Bucuresti, regiune | Restaurante judetul Bucuresti
733-500222 ( Fisso)

Program functionare Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake

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Ambianta Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake Atmosfera Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake

Moderna,Relaxanta [ ] Toate(i) Restaurante atmosfera Moderna,Relaxanta in Bucuresti
Internationala - Restaurante bucatarie Internationala in Bucuresti
Somon marinat si afumat de noi, frunze de untisor, grepfruit roz si mango verde; Kofta de miel bine condimentata si servita langa tzatziki din iaurt grecesc; Creveti Tiger la gratar cu sos Peri Peri serviti cu Guacamole; Faimosul Biutiful burger din antricot proaspat de vita
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Va rugam sa votati calitatea serviciilor, atmosfera, bucatarie si impresia generala la Restaurant Biutiful by the Lake, inainte de a trimite recenzia.

Bucatarie: 2.9/5
(539 Voturi )

Atmosfera: 3.0/5
(549 Voturi )

Servire: 2.7/5
(552 Voturi )

Calitatea: 2.8/5
(554 Voturi )

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Zona de pret: mai mult de 70 ron ( fara bauturi )

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